Okay, let's see what happened next?
After saying thanx to Summer I think we all went back into Stage 12. I know I had given Audrey the info about
getting someone to vouch for Rosie, Ewok, Carol and Wiley to come onto the set. She said she'd see what she could do. I also
told her about the cakes being delievered at 2. She didn't know about them. We went back to work, and I was sorry that I didn't
take the chance to get Jewel to autograph my drawing and t-shirt...*sigh*...oh well.
When we were on the set, they were doing alot of different stuff, moved the camera angles, had two of the
new characters doing some stuff right next to where me, my new 'husband', and Conrad were...and they did it over and over
and over...it was fun...except for the smoke!
During one of the 'waiting times' Audrey came over and told me the cakes were there, and asked if I had my
camera...I said no, it was back in the holding area...she said, 'oh, well, maybe someone will get a picture of it'...ack!
I'd thought about putting the camera in the purse, but it was stuffed with a big towel...so I hadn't! She also asked me for
the names of the ones who wanted in, so I gave her everyone's names. We had no idea they'd been there...or had their 'close
encounter' till later!
Finally, they let a bunch of us go back to the holding area...and I was so tired that I can't even remember
much about that time...After a long while I called Rosie and they told me about meeting the gang and touring the set! It was
great. Then my 'husband' Marv told me the wanted us back on the set....but when we got there they told us we were 'wrapped'
and could go. I had just emptied the purse out and put my t-shirt, phone, camera and pen in it (the towel was SOOOO heavy),
so I pulled my stuff out and returned the purse...I told the guy I'd bring the towel right back over. I went and put my stuff
away, and got the towel...most everyone who had been on the same side of the set as me was 'wrapped', so we all made our way
back down the process of getting back to 'normal'. I had my wig removed (so my hair looks really terrible in the pix we took
afterward!), changed out of my costume and went back to the holding area. Audrey had told us she would give us Browncoats
a tour of Serenity! We had to wait till everyone was done though, which was good, since Gingi, Jim, Brian and Jeremy were
still busy. I told Audrey how great the day had been and took her pic, I said the only thing I regretted was not getting to
talk to Adam and get the autographs of the BDHs I'd missed at the LA Con. She said (and this kills me), "oh, you should have
mentioned something, I'd have set something up". By then all the 'stars' had left for the day! We'd seen them on the set before
we left, and they were all posing for pix and then were obviously saying bye, hugs, kissed and handshakes! ack!!
After all the Browncoats were back in regular clothes, we heard Audrey getting an intern to show us around.
We thanked her for everything, and she left us with Michael to take us back into Stage 12. The lights were down, and the 'ship'
inside was pretty dark. When we toured the Angel set, it was really dim, but this, in some places was pitch black!
I'll say this...I now understand what everyone is saying about Serenity being the same, yet different. The
changes are so very subtle, but they are there, and for the better! I was surprised how areas looked very small, yet, when
we got the pictures back , it looke like they were taken in an open space! I'm always amazed how someone can envision these
things and make them appear the way they do on camera! The most well lit area was of course the cargo bay...and it was huge!
It looks even bigger in the pictures!
I cracked up when I saw the pix of me...my hair is really whacked...but I have this half crazed look on my
face! I was totally excited by this! It was awesome to see 'Jayne, Mal, Zoe, Kaylee, Simon, River and Wash', but walking onto
Serenity ROCKED!!!
We all posed for a shot at the cargo bay door. Then said goodbye. I noticed we had a 'stray' with us...one
of the other BG guys, Victor tagged along with us!! Yay!! Another recruit!!
I've told Gingi and Jim they have to tell their stories, but they don't know how to put it down with out being
spoilerish, they are so new to the FF world. I gotta say, I don't think telling you what the 'set' was about will 'spoil'
anything...I heard NO dialog...well, except some Chinese! But for those who don't even want to know where and what we were
about, I told them to put 'possible spoiler' warnings on the post.
After we left, Victor told us that we could go through that open gate to enter Universal Studios, so we did
and called Rosie, we were at Jurassic Park, so we rode it and they met us at the exit. After that we had to split up to get
our car (we had to go back through the gate to a different parking area). We couldn't find our car for the longest time (the
stair said 'stair 5', but we were on the 2nd level!). So Rosie and the girls beat us back to the room. We order Chinese Food
(Rosie got Bao it was GOOD!), and giggled and went over our day. Rosie was going to take notes for me, to help me remember,
but we couldn't find any paper! :P
I wanna thank Rosie SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much for everything she did for us! Ewok would have missed out on an excellent
adventure if Rosie hadn't come down to the park and took her with them. It turned out that they got more one on one time with
the 'stars' than we did! How cool is that?
I better get, I'll try and remember more later...I'm exhausted!
I still feel like this was all a dream!